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What A Catch!

This weekend at the campground I decided to try out my new Ugly Stick fishing pole. It’s an early Fathers Day gift. So after the cow milking I headed to the lake.

I was there for maybe 30 minutes and Carrie and Colin show up. They didn’t bring down their fishing poles so I offered to go back to the trailer, with the car, and get them. I handed Carrie my NEW pole to use while I was gone. Carrie likes to fish but she won’t take the fish of the hook..etc. She expressed some concern about me leaving them, “What If I Catch A Fish?!?!?” she asked. I said “don’t worry it’s been slow going you will be fine”.

Well, according to Carrie on her third cast, with my first time using NEW pole, she caught the bass pictured here


She had to wait for me to get back to retrieve the hook. I say retrieve because the darn fish practically swallowed the rubber worm. Saw after some handy plier work I was able to release the fish back into the lake.

Of course I am eager now to catch my own fish. Well Colin got a little too close to the lake and yep..he fell in! He was about up to his chest in water. He was ok, he wasn’t upset about it all only now he keeps saying that he is never ever going fishing again….LOL

That pretty much sums up my first day out fishing with the new pole. I am excited that Memorial Day is quickly approaching. We will be spending it at the campground with family and friends..as usual!